An international comparison of care for people with intellectual disabilities
An exploration.
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Download 'Zorg voor mensen met een verstandelijke beperking in internationaal perspectief'
Auteurs: Isolde Woittiez, Evelien Eggink, Lisa Putman en Michiel Ras
ISBN/ISSN/anders: 978 90 377 0871 4.
People with intellectual disabilities in the Netherlands can apply for intensive care and support under the Long-term Care Act (WLZ) and for less intensive forms of care under the Social Support Act (Wmo), and under the Youth Act.
This care and support is available not only for people with an IQ of below 70 (with a mild, moderate or severe intellectual disability), but also for people with an IQ between 70 and 85 combined with everyday problems such as difficulties with social interaction, at work or in self-care.
This group is referred to in this report as having a borderline intellectual disability.
This exploratory international comparison is concerned mainly with this group and the group with a mild intellectual disability (IQ between 50 and 70).
Earlier research by SCP has shown that the growth in demand for care is concentrated in these groups. We investigated whether this also applies in three other regions, namely Ontario, Flanders and England. We interviewed numerous international experts in the field of intellectual disability care, and also drew on statistics, scientific literature and policy documents.
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Statline (CBS)